6 Things You Need to Improve Order to Grow through Life

written by Janet Brown

Waking and working on our inner abilities allows us to learn, grow and stand tall.

Here are six (6) things you need to have in check that will help you to grow to the next level.

1. Attitude

Are you a woman with a sassy attitude to life? Our attitude to every situation will make the difference in what shows up in life. Let’s be real: not every situation we face is positive, but we have the power to make it what we will. I attended a dear friend of mine at my husband’s memorial.  A statement by the minister resonated with me: 'It’s not time that heals grief, but with time, you’re able to look at it from a different perspective'.

We all know of people who are at either end of the spectrum when it comes to attitude. If we analyse ourselves - are there patterns of behaviour that have determined our attitude - something to ponder?

My personal mantra is - I am changing my attitude to work with an open heart.

2. Patience

I am personally a work in progress with patience, more so since going into business. Patience has sat me down and had a word with me- it will not always be how you want it.

I learned to trust myself, use intuition, don’t overdrive the mind on situations. No matter what, you will be okay. 

3. Optimism

This a beautiful word to practice. We know that life episodes are temporary (even if they are good). Knowing this pushes us through the doors of hope for the better; this surely makes us open to embrace all life's offerings. 

4. Peace

It is a state that should be as natural as the air we breathe in and out. Most of us are not in control of the peace that we want. Being busy striving outside of ourselves for attachments brings stress. Let’s get out of me, me all about me, push back, and press that peace button that will align the body and mind. 

5. Confidence

Confidence is an essential ingredient to blossom and flourish. Boost it by taking a check of your self-esteem. This aids with striving. Have the courage to know that you can go for it.

Keep treating yourself beautifully, with the knowledge that you have the inner ability to shine.

6. Smile

It’s a natural ability which we all have. Its rewards are enormous - a boost to the immune system, a natural drug not just for the individual but also for all who come into contact with it.

Smile as you start your day- also, enhance your clothing by wearing colours that complement that smile.   

What other essential tools and practices for growth that you employ in your life?

About the Author

Janet Brown is the creator of Grace for Life and enjoys group discussions on the empowerment of women and advocates within her social and professional circles for women’s development. She is also a champion of mental health and encourages the development of such through her work as a life coach. Janet said she is motivated by others who have walked the walk and the personal experiences that have shaped her over the years.

For Women to Women

For Women to Women, a digital resources platform and growing community designed  to celebrate and empower 20-30-something-year-old women to continually elevate themselves both in their personal and professional lives so that they can become change agents in their own lives and the world. 


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