A Guide to Finding Balance in Life and Work for Every Woman - 8 Things You Can Do Now!


written by Christina Knotts

Finding a balance in life can be challenging, especially for women who juggle multiple roles, such as being a mother, wife, student, or working woman. Life can be unpredictable and throw us curveballs, but we can find a way to cope. Although it may seem effortless to some, it is not easy for those who struggle with various aspects of their lives.

As women, it's easy to become overwhelmed and anxious when there's a lot to do. Achieving a healthy work-life balance can seem like an impossible goal for many. However, finding that perfect balance between work, school, and personal life is possible. Taking care of ourselves is crucial, and we should avoid taking on too many projects at work or home. We should also take time to recharge ourselves and remember that we matter. It's okay to ask for help whenever we need it.

Here are eight tips that can help you achieve a better work-life balance:

1. Set manageable goals each day

Being able to meet priorities helps us feel a sense of accomplishment and control.  So, be realistic about workloads and deadlines.

Make a to-do list, take care of important tasks first, and eliminate unessential ones. Ask for help when necessary.

2. Be efficient with your time at work

When we procrastinate, the task often grows in our minds until it seems insurmountable. So when you face a big project at work or home, divide it into smaller tasks. Complete the first one before moving on to the next. Give yourself small rewards upon each completion, whether a five-minute break or a walk to the coffee shop.

If you feel overwhelmed by routines that seem unnecessary, tell your boss. The less time you spend doing busy work or procrastinating, the more time you can spend productively or with friends or family.

3. Take five

Taking a break at work isn’t only acceptable, it is highly encouraged. Small breaks at work or on any project will help clear your head, and improve your ability to deal with stress and make good decisions when you jump back into the grind.

4. Give yourself a break

Allow yourself to be human and do the best you can. No one is perfect!

5. Don't overcommit

Do you feel stressed when you glance at your calendar? Overscheduled with activities, learn to say” no.” Shed the superwoman urge!

6. Get support

Chatting with friends and family can be critical to your success at home or work and can even improve your health. 

7. Stay active

Aside from its well-known physical benefits, regular exercise reduces stress, depression and anxiety and enables people to cope better with adversity.  Schedule time for the gym, or take a walk during lunch and have fun!

8. Get help if you need it

Don’t let stress stand in the way of your health and happiness. If you are persistently overwhelmed, it may be time to seek help from a mental health professional. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Taking care of yourself is a sign of strength. 

About the Author

Christina Knotts. Born and raised in New Orleans, LA, Christina has resided in Houston, TX for eight years. She admits that though she is new to the blogging world,  she believes it is important that women, in general, be there for one another to encourage and empower each other. 


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