Having Conversations that Matter - FWTW Gathering, Jamaica and New York

In May, we hosted our very first in-person event, the FWTW Gathering, Jamaica and New York.

The FWTW Gathering, which will now be one of our many events, is centered around bringing together like-minded 20-30-something-year-old women, who were open to continually elevate themselves and learning from other like-minded women by means of relationship-building, engagement and connection through the sharing of life experiences and lessons. It's the non-judgmental, intimate and inviting environment, where women can come together to have refreshingly raw and honest conversations at the table about various issues at the forefront of society related to women. 

What gives the gathering the edge, we focus on having meaningful conversations, creating new relationships and providing a seat at the table for women to empower each other. Of course in a brunch setting, across different cities.

For our first meet-up on Sunday, May 3, we got together 10 ladies at Fromage Gourmet Market, Kingston Jamaica, where we chatted on 'Being Beautifully Flawed, Women's Bodies, Knowing Your Worth, Self-Confidence and Supporting Other Women'.

And on Saturday, May 9, in New York, 5 ladies joined us at Piquant, Brooklyn for food and conversations on 'Stepping Up Your Game, Doing What You Truly Love, Kicking Ass and Unleashing Your Greatness'. FWTW Gathering, NYC One of the most beautiful yet deeply profounding for moments from both gatherings were how we all seemed to have left with a new refreshed energy. All the ladies found someone they could connect with, which was the one of the aims of the gathering, for women to create new relationships. 

And during our conversations, somehow, we feel everyone connected, in one way or another, why? Because our stories are all similar. 

You see, the gathering wasn't for us, although we benefited tremendously from the conversations. It was for women who like you, who joined us at the table, who are sometimes unsure, sometimes not so confident, yet so deeply passionate about life and want to grow into being the best version of themselves. It was beyond a beautiful experience to be in the company of highly ambitious and beautiful soul women, to chat, laugh and have a good .

And we had the opportunity to host two (2) events in two different cities, Jamaica and New York. ol' time. 

The laughters, the stories and just how present the ladies were, was amazing. 

Follow the hashtag on Instagram and Twitter, for more snapshots from the event. 



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